"The Amazing Spider-Man 2" was released in the UK last week and according to Empire, the film features an after credits scene from "X-Men: Days of Future Past". The scene will feature Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique, Lucas Till’s Havok and Evan Jonigkeit’s Toad taking on William Stryker (Josh Helman) and his military men.
This will surely cause confusion among movie-goers who'll assume Spider-Man and the X-Men are going to team up. While this may have happened on numerous occasions in the comic books, this is strictly a marketing thing. The movie rights for Spider-Man and X-Men are owned by Sony and 20th Century Fox respectively, and any crossover between the two movie franchises is not going to happen any time soon.
Variety reports that Marc Webb had an existing contract with Fox Searchlight to direct another film following “500 (Days) of Summer.” After “The Amazing Spider-Man” in 2012, Webb’s negotiations briefly stalled with Sony as he was caught in a tug-of-war with Fox. Eventually, Fox agreed to allow Webb to direct Sony’s “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”, but only if Sony would promote its “X-Men” film for free.
Sony confirmed the after credits scene will be included when "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" opens in the U.S. on May 2.
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